6:47 AM

PIN diodes

A PIN diode is a fast low capacitance switching diode. Do not confuse a PIN switching diode with a PIN photo diode . A PIN diode is manufactured like a silicon switching diode with an intrinsic region added between the PN junction layers. This yields a thicker depletion region, the insulating layer at the junction of a reverse biased diode. This results in lower capacitance than a reverse biased switching diode.

A PIN diode is a diode with a wide, undoped intrinsic semiconductor region between a p-type semiconductor and an n-type semiconductor region. The p-type and n-type regions are typically heavily doped because they are used for ohmic contacts.

The PIN diode differs from the basic PN junction diode in that the PIN diode includes a layer of intrinsic material between the P and N layers. As a result of the intrinsic layer, PIN diodes have a high breakdown voltage and they also exhibit a low level of junction capacitance. In addition to this the larger deletion region of the PIN diode is ideal for applications as a photodiode.

PIN diode basics and operation

The PIN diode can be shown diagrammatically as being a PN junction, but with an intrinsic layer between the PN and layers. The intrinsic layer of the PIN diode is a layer without doping, and as a result this increases the size of the depletion region - the region between the P and N layers where there are no majority carriers. This change in the structure gives the PIN diode its unique properties.
Basic PIN diode structure

Basic PIN diode structure
The PIN diode operates in exactly the same way as a normal diode. The only real difference is that the depletion region, that normally exists between the P and N regions in an unbiased or reverse biased diode is larger.
In any PN junction, the P region contains holes as it has been doped to ensure that it has a predominance of holes. Similarly the N region has been doped to contain excess electrons. The region between the P and N regions contains no charge carriers as any holes or electrons combine As the depletion region has no charge carriers it acts as an insulator.
Within a PIN diode the depletion region exists, but if the diode is forward biased, the carriers enter the depletion region (including the intrinsic region) and as the two carrier types meet, current starts to flow.
When the diode is forward biased, the carrier concentration, i.e. holes and electrons is very much higher than the intrinsic level carrier concentration. Due to this high level injection level, the electric field extends deeply (almost the entire length) into the region. This electric field helps in speeding up of the transport of charge carriers from p to n region, which results in faster operation of the diode, making it a suitable device for high frequency operations.

PIN diode structure

The PIN diode consists of a semiconductor diode with three layers. The usual P and N regions are present, but between them is a layer of intrinsic material a very low level of doping. This may be either N-type or P-type, but with a concentration of the order of 13^13 cm^-3 which gives it a resistivity of the order of one k-ohm cm.
The thickness of the intrinsic layer is normally very narrow, typically ranging from 10 to 200 microns. The outer P and N-type regions are then heavily doped.
There are two ways in which the PIN diode can be realised. One is to fabricate the p-i-n diode in a planar structure, and the other is to use a mesa structure. When the planar structure is fabricated an epitaxial film is grown onto the substrate material and the P+ region is introduced either by diffusion or ion implantation. The mesa structure has layers grown onto the substrate. These layers have the dopants incorporated. In this way it is possible to control the thickness of the layers and the level of dopants more accurately and a very thin intrinsic layer can be fabricated if required. This is ideal for high frequency operation. A further advantage of the mesa structure is that it provides a reduced level of fringing capacitance and inductance as well as an improved level of surface breakdown.
PIN diode with a planar structure
PIN diode with a planar construction
PIN diodes are widely made of silicon, and this was the semiconductor material that was used exclusively until the 1980s when gallium arsenide was introduced.

PIN diode uses and advantages

The PIN diode is used in a number of areas as a result of its structure proving some properties which are of particular use.
  • High voltage rectifier:   The PIN diode can be used as a high voltage rectifier. The intrinsic region provides a greater separation between the PN and N regions, allowing higher reverse voltages to be tolerated.
  • RF switch:   The PIN diode makes an ideal RF switch. The intrinsic layer between the P and N regions increases the distance between them. This also decreases the capacitance between them, thereby increasing he level of isolation when the diode is reverse biased.
  • Photodetector:   As the conversion of light into current takes place within the depletion region of a photdiode, increasing the depletion region by adding the intrinsic layer improves the performance by increasing he volume in which light conversion occurs.
These are three of the main applications for PIN diodes, although they can also be used in some other areas as well.
The PIN diode is an ideal component to provide electronics switching in many areas of electronics. It is particularly useful for RF design applications and for providing the switching, or attenuating element in RF switches and RF attenuators. The PIN diode is able to provide much higher levels of reliability than RF relays that are often the only other alternative.

Key PIN diode characteristics

There are a number of PIN diode characteristics that set this diode apart from other forms of diode. These key PIN diode characteristics include the following:
  • High breakdown voltage:   The wide depletion layer provided by the intrinsic layer ensures that PIN diodes have a high reverse breakdown characteristic.
  • Low capacitance:   Again the intrinsic layer increases the depletion region width. As the capacitance of a capacitor reduces with increasing separation, this means that a PIN diode will have a lower capacitance as the depletion region will be wider than a conventional diode. This PIN diode characteristic can have significant advantages in a number of RF applications - for example when a PIN diode is used as an RF switch.
  • Carrier storage:   Carrier storage gives a most useful PIN diode characteristic. For small signals at high frequencies the stored carriers within the intrinsic layer are not completely swept by the RF signal or recombination. At these frequencies there is no rectification or distortion and the PIN diode characteristic is that of a linear resistor which introduces no distortion or rectification. The PIN diode resistance is governed by the DC bias applied. In this way it is possible to use the device as an effective RF switch or variable resistor for an attenuator producing far less distortion than ordinary PN junction diodes.
  • Sensitive photodetection:   The sensitive area of a photodiode is the depletion region. Light striking the crystal lattice can release holes and electrons which are drawn away out of the depletion region by the reverse bias on the diode. By having a larger depletion region - as in the case of a PIN diode - the volume for light reception is increased. This makes PIN diodes ideal for use as photodetectors.

PIN Diode Applications

PIN diodes are useful as RF switchesattenuatorsphotodetectors, and phase shifters.
Although the p-i-n diode finds many applications in the high voltage arena, it is probably for radio frequency applications where it is best known. The fact that when it is forward biased, the diode is linear, behaving like a resistor, can be put to good use in a variety of applications. It can be used as a variable resistor in a variable attenuator, a function that few other components can achieve as effectively. The PIN diode can also be used as an RF switch. In the forward direction it can be biased sufficiently to ensure it has a low resistance to the RF that needs to be passed, and when a reverse bias is applied it acts as an open circuit, with only a relatively small level of capacitance.

PIN diode attenuator and switch circuit
PIN diode attenuator and switch circuit